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Project 1: Made To Order

For this project,we have to create an interactive wall or window display using the material we had chosen. We have to explore, analyse and experiment with the material either compose using its raw/original condition or experiment with itto take new life form. 

Task 1

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We had to choose 1 Local Coffee and 1 Local Dessert. The Coffee I chose is Ipoh White Coffee or as we mostly know it as OldTown White Coffee.

As for a local dessert I chose Sarawak's Layer cake because of the varieties of unique design of the cake layers.

As we had to choose a type of coffee that were more uncommon I changed my coffee to Palm Sugar Milk Coffee. This is also because when serving I could create the multiple layers.

The type of textile that i had chosen is Threads/Strings. This is because, Manipulating thread to form shapes is something I find very interesting. I researched about strings and its possibilities and compared it with a few type of fabrics.    


We also researched  architects that had used textile in their previous projects. Very little architects uses stings in their work but quite a few uses fabric for roofing of canopies and public areas. 

But there are a handfull of architects and designers that creates installments and sculptures with the use of strings/threads.

Task 2

Precedent Studies

The Crossing by Chiharu Shiota


Her artwork mostly uses threads (Black, White, Red)

A sculpture of white thread interwoven with books.

       Made out of: White wool

                                      175 books

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The State of Being by Chiharu Shiota


Her sculpture of suspended items using threads

She has a few "State of Being" but with different objects within.

       Made out of: Wool

                                      Objects (Masks, Book, Newspaper, scissors, ETC)

Liberty and Anarchy by Nike Savvas

She uses mathematical equations to form geometrical sculptures

       Made out of: Wood

                                     Wool Thread 



Too Much Time, Again by Pae White

She uses geometrically spelt out words on one wall connects criss-cross to the opposite wall to form another word.  


My Ideas

For my wall display I decided to incoporate Lines, Geometry, Shadows, and Connections. 

I started with the idea of platforms and frames to hold one end of each string. The problem I faced was figuring out what was appropriate with the given size requirements

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My first idea was a box like frame and I would make like sort of a spiral like effect when seen from top view but this idea would require more space and was not interactive.

Then my next idea was to create a 90 degree angle frame and create something like Pae White's sculpture.

Another idea was to have a frame that hold the threads and lets the threads fall freely in grids of different height.

After a tutorial session with my lecturer more ideas were developed.

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Mock Ups

After the research process we were tasked to experiment by doing mock ups of our ideas for the wall display. My ideas developed from  flip panels,a book flip type panels, sliding panels and to my final idea. But the idea that remained the same was forming the patterns using the threads.

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Finally, instead of a joined frame i decided to create separate panels consisting of a different type of weaving for each frame and more thread will be woven around and through the panel frames.

The Model

The Presentation Board




Project 1 was a bit difficult to get use to because we did not really understand what precedent study was before it was properly explained. I had difficulty finding reference of people using textile as an architectural material than a decorative element. Although, the ideas for the wall display came quite easily to me with the guidance of my lecturer during tutorial sessions. Another problem I faced was while I was building the actual model of the wall display. I had a hard time cutting the acrylic tubes and also It was difficult to keep the threads tight and not look loose. But I over came the problem as I managed to cut everything and  also found a way to tighten the loose threads. Overall this project was the most difficult to build.

©2018 by Farah Khairin. Proudly created with

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